Toard API
15-12-2021 05:33:49
A short documentation of Toard API, Used for creating your own Toard Client, and etc. The API respond in JSON format, So you need to have a prepared JSON parser in your client.
A short documentation of Toard API, Used for creating your own Toard Client, and etc. The API respond in JSON format, So you need to have a prepared JSON parser in your client.
A endpoint to fetch all Threads / Replies. When you didn't provide a thread ID, The endpoint will returns all Threads with it's Replies. Query: - from <number> Trim post from specified number.
A endpoint to create a thread. This Endpoint only work in POST method, and requires two POST data. - t Post title - d Post Description Example POST Data: t=Guys, How can i cook a pancake? d=I would like to know how to cook a pancake. I found a post describing how to cook a pancake, But that never work.
A endpoint to get captcha challenge (GET only). NOTE: You need to set `verify_sess` cookie when /post/reply or /create endpoint gives you `Set-Cookie`. The following JSON data will be returned by this endpoint: - q = Question (Usually ASCII) - t = Tip. Could be "Solve the captcha." or "Solve the math." To answer challenge, Send POST request to /verify endpoint with `answer` form. When /verify endpoint redirect you to /verify again after POST, Request to this endpoint again to get new question until the redirection is no longer going to `/verify`. You could fetch this endpoint again to get new question if the current question is not possible to answer.
Same as /create endpoint, But it's used for replying a thread.